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Did You Know? Earn Tax Credits for Starting a Retirement Plan

Stories from the vault: “David, I’m Brenda. I’m starting a small law firm–ten lawyers and the usual clerks and secretaries. My accountant told me you’re the man to speak with when it comes to setting up our retirement benefits.” “I’m glad you called, and here’s how...

Turning a Fail to a Pass

All our execs got big refunds of the contributions they made into the 401K retirement plan last year and they’re not happy about it; they wanted those contributions matched and invested.

The Top-Paid Group Rule: Put an End to High-Comp Employee Refunds

Jeanne, the HR director for a law firm complained that the company was having a tough time passing their non-discrimination testing. Each year, they offered the same embarrassing excuse to their employees: “We failed our non-discrimination test again this year and we...

Set it and Forget it? Forget it!

Set it and Forget it? Forget it! One of our clients, Terry, told us about a conversation she’d had at a SHRM chapter meeting. “Our Retirement Plan is driving me crazy,” Ryan complained. “So many deadlines and forms to file—and now the executives are complaining that...

Nobody’s Forcing You

We all love referrals. One of our clients told a friend about Concierge Retirement Services and we set up a phone meeting. “Hi, David. Marsha said I should call you but I don’t think you’ll be able to help. I run HR for a medium-sized business and we need to work on...

When There’s a Will, There Might Not Be a Way

A client came to see me about his retirement plan. Bill had done well and was ready to enjoy some of the benefits he’d been saving for all his life. Bill had divorced his first wife a decade earlier, and moved on to a new partner. “Bill, there’s something a lot of...

You Expect the HR Director to Do What?

Bea took a seat next to her friend Maria at the monthly SHRM chapter meeting. “Maria how are you? I was hoping I’d run into you. I have an HR question for you.” Maria smiled. “Always good to see you. How can I help?” Bea took a breath. “I’ve got the insurance stuff...

Madison Pension Services is now known as Concierge Retirement Services.

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