Why Was My Contribution Cut in Half?

Jess called me with an urgent question about her retirement plan. “I have a pension/cash balance plan. My actuary just told me the contribution I can put in this year is cut in half. Why is this?” “Usually, this happens for two reasons:” I explained. “It could be that...

Can I Save Money by Owning Multiple Companies?

James, a long-term client, called me last week to ask about his retirement plan. He owns a successful business and he’s a partner in a second company. “How does this work? Can I set up a plan for the second company and participate in both?” “The fact that you have...

Ideas to Think About Before the End of the Year

During the holidays, we focus on decorating our homes, putting up lights, and buying gifts. What about treating your business or your clients with additional tax savings? Do you or your clients only put away an IRA contribution? Think about upgrading to a qualified...

Clean-Up That Poorly-Run Plan

We recently took on a client who came to us because their retirement plan was poorly run. The people who set up the plan had good intentions but they were in over their heads. They had too much going on managing a growing company and did not have the time to...

Success Stories

Miriam ran a successful business and she had a retirement plan. Her husband James made about $125K/year selling collectibles on eBay. They didn’t really need James’s “hobby income” so they wanted to shelter as much of it as they could. Gina, his accountant put him in...