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Why Was My Contribution Cut in Half?

Jess called me with an urgent question about her retirement plan. “I have a pension/cash balance plan. My actuary just told me the contribution I can put in this year is cut in half. Why is this?” “Usually, this happens for two reasons:” I explained. “It could be that...

Can I Save Money by Owning Multiple Companies?

James, a long-term client, called me last week to ask about his retirement plan. He owns a successful business and he’s a partner in a second company. “How does this work? Can I set up a plan for the second company and participate in both?” “The fact that you have...

Ideas to Think About Before the End of the Year

During the holidays, we focus on decorating our homes, putting up lights, and buying gifts. What about treating your business or your clients with additional tax savings? Do you or your clients only put away an IRA contribution? Think about upgrading to a qualified...

State-Mandated Retirement Plans: The Number Continues to Grow

Ten states have passed bills requiring you to adopt a state-mandated retirement plan if you do not have a qualified retirement plan like a 401k. Those states include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and...

Clean-Up That Poorly-Run Plan

Running your own retirement plan is risky and difficult. Why not hand that responsibility off to a qualified Retirement Plan Management firm

Success Stories

Many CPA firms see the benefits of collaborating with a Professional Retirement Plan Consultant.

SECURE 2.0 Webinar

SECURE 2.0 WEBINAR – What do you need to know? We are pleased to present a webinar presented by David I Gensler and Frank Grande discussing SECURE 2.0. The hour long webinar discuss the key provisions of SECURE 2.0 and its impact to retirement plans. We delve into the...

Two Changes to Catch-up Contributions: One Good and the Other…

“David, it’s Beth. I just brought a few of our consultants on as full-time hires. They’re in their 50s—a bit older than our typical new employees—and since they’ll only have so many years to contribute into our retirement plan, I was wondering if…” “What you’re asking...

Get Ready for New 401k Plan Requirements

Kareem called me from the HR department of a client company. “Hi David. What happens when a new employee doesn’t formally opt in or out of the retirement plan? I’m not sure what to do with them.” “Great question, Kareem, and a timely one. Starting this year, if you...

Starter 401k / 403b Plans. Are They Worth it?

“David, I read your blog post about state-mandated IRA programs, and how it makes sense to set-up your own retirement plan and not use the government’s.” “Thanks Jeff. I’m always happy to hear from someone who’s doing their homework and trying to stay on top of what’s...

Madison Pension Services is now known as Concierge Retirement Services.

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