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Now You Can Boot Ex-Employees Out of Your Retirement Plan!

Check your former employees’ balances. You may find there are people you could not roll out before, but now you can. SECURE 2.0 has raised the mandatory rollover limit from $5K to $7K as of 2024. This means that if an employee has a vested balance of less than $7K you...

Another Way SECURE 2.0 Will Save You Money!

Retirement plans are described as “top-heavy” when business owners have more than 60% of the overall balance. And this meant many companies were faced with the following dilemma: Do I set the waiting period for my plan to one-year and make my new employees unhappy, or...

The IRS Says Babies Can Wait!

Get this! A rule on the books stated that if a married couple had two completely separate businesses and they had a minor child, those business would be considered linked for retirement plan purposes. If they did not have a minor child, those businesses would not be...

Have You Heard About this Great Enhancement to the Savers Credit?

Megan, The HR Director of one of our client companies called to discuss one of their low-income employees. She wanted to see if there was any way to maximize their benefits short of giving them a fat raise. “Savers credit is a little-known and underutilized credit for...

Tough Times? Now You Can Tap Your Retirement Savings!

James, an HR director, called me with a serious question. “I have a few employees who I think have fallen on hard times. They haven’t told me what’s going on but they’re asking questions about what the penalties are for withdrawing money from their retirement plans,...

SECURE 2.0: Changes to the RMD Rule

“David, What’s SECURE 2.0 and how does it affect my company’s retirement plan?” The rules change and my phone rings. That’s just how things work around here. “Glad you asked, Sarah. I’ll take care of the details for you of course, but in a nutshell SECURE 2.0 is new...

Gotten Too Big? Recover Your Small Plan Advantages

Two business owners, Jim and Bob, met for lunch.“Very cool how you’ve grown your company so fast,” said Bob. “Seventy-five employees! You had what—five—just a year ago?”“Thanks,” said Jim, “But that growth comes with a cost. Our retirement plan used to get us over...

The Challenges of Finding Lost Participants

An employee leaves your company and they still have a balance under your retirement plan. Years go by and the former employee cannot be located. Why is that your problem? If they changed their address and never told you, why should you as the former employer be...

Madison Pension Services is now known as Concierge Retirement Services.

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